
Walking, up-hill, thru life, here in Forestburg,SD population 80(eighty).....making adjustments, as needed, along the journey.....please join me from time, to time.....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


to keep me busy....heres a picture of one, i've spent many hours on, this summer...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Town Meeting

I went to a ''town meeting'' last night. An attempt (again) to organize a small group of people, and perhaps make a few more improvements around the village......''Village'' being our little Forestburg............

For the first fall, in history, we have a football field, at the new school,
Sanborn Central.....the lights(when lit for a game) can be seen for miles...what a change, to the horizon!!!!!!!!!!! it is very noticable, and many thanks, to all those responsible, for a great accomplishment!