
Walking, up-hill, thru life, here in Forestburg,SD population 80(eighty).....making adjustments, as needed, along the journey.....please join me from time, to time.....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas Email...........

I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year ...
My way of saying that I am celebrating the birth Of Jesus Christ.
So I am asking my email buddies, if you agree with me, to please do the same.
And if you'll pass this on to your email buddies, and so on...
maybe we can prevent one more American tradition from being lost in the sea of "Political Correctness".

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Jose Cuervo Christmas Cookies

1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup of brown sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila
Sample the Cuervo to check quality. Take a large bowl,check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality,pour one level cup and drink.
Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.
Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still ok, try another cup just in case.
Turn off the mixerer thingy.
Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.
Pick the frigging fruit off the floor.
Mix on the turner.
If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaters just pry it loose with a drewscriver.
Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.
Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who geeves a sheet. Check the Jose.
Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.
Add one table.
Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can find.
Greash the oven.
Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.
Don't forget to beat off the turner.
Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish theCose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the wishdasher.
Cherry Mistmas !

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It's winter in South Dakota
And the gentle breezes blow
Seventy miles an hour
At twenty-five below.
Oh, how I love South Dakota
When the snow's up to your butt
You take a breath of winter
And your nose gets frozen shut.
Yes, the weather here is wonderful
So I guess I'll hang around
I could never leave South Dakota
'Cause I'm frozen to the ground!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


1. One who builds things
2. “I Found It”
3. A type of pudding
4. A parking place for boats
5. A jerk town
6. Washington’s home
7. Division among rooms
8. Stumble
9. Champion
10. On a level above
11. A sour fruit
12. Center of the country
13. One who hangs curtains
14. A senior citizen container
15. Native meat animal
16. Witches hometown
17. A burrowing animal
18. The Far East
19. Field game for the wealthy
20. Top of the mountain
21. King’s house in the forest
22. Skeleton theft
23. Span over H2O
24. Transparent water
25. Alfalfa knot
26. Angry relative
27. Scarlet acres
28. Aged pork
29. Sword angler
30. Fast town
31. Red-hot 2000 lbs.
32. Wet city
33. Lock rock
34. Injury wrench
35. Board in 2000 lbs
36. Middle village
37. Spider mix
38. Not old Netherlands
39. Eskimo house
40. Hot beverage
41. Cemetery forest
42. Gangsters
43. King of the jungle
44. Emancipated slave
45. A rural professional
46. A cosmetic company
47. Town in Austria
48. Town in Italy
49. Coffee
50. former grocery store
51. Tin, 2000 lbs.
52. Dull points
53. Disney’s “Looking for______”
54. Fish bait
55. A wooded hamlet
56. Sheep, not blind
57. “Psycho” writer
58. Quest
59. Flower, beer
60. Tree, edge
61. One of the 3 stooges
62. Well
63. Boy’s name
64. Colorless both of water
65. Glue joint
66. “The Great”
67. Not half empty, 2000 lbs.
68. Soak in the tub
69. England
70. Small mountain town
71. A knight’s clothing
72. Chevy car
73. Insigt
74. Bridal head dress
75. A man’s hat
76. Johnson’s motel chain
77. Hot dog
78. Potato chip
79. Screwdriver
80. A president
81. Bright red
82. Lincoln’s address
83. Confederate enemy, in the middle
84. Mrs. Henderson
85. TV maid
86. Pro football team city
87. Water acres
88. A prickly animal
89. Loggers yell, H2O
90. First garden
91. Looney tones
92. Where the farmer lived, quickly
93. Ale truck
94. Nail file
95. A record label
96. A bird, edge
97. Northern lights
98. “Mrs. C.”
99. Flour city
100. Furnace Brand

1. Carpenter
2. Eureka
3. Bonilla
4. Pierre
5. Yankton
6. Mt. Vernon
7. Wall
8. Trip
9. Winner
10. Epiphany
11. Lemmon
12. Midland
13. Draper
14. Box Elder
15. Buffalo, Antelope or Bison
16. Salem
17. Badger
18. Orient
19. Polo
20. Summit
21. Castlewood
22. Bonesteel
23. Bridgewater
24. Clear Lake
25. Hayti
26. Madison
27. Redfield
28. Old Ham
29. Spearfish
30. Rapid City
31. Ashton
32. Watertown
33. Keystone
34. Woonsocket
35. Plankinton
36. Midland
37. Webster
38. NewHolland
39. Igloo
40. Tea
41. Deadwood
42. Crooks
43. Lyonsville
44. Freeman
45. Farmer
46. Avon
47. Vienna
48. Naples
49. Java
50. Red Owl
51. Canton
52. Blunt
53. Nemo
54. Minnow
55. Forestburg
56. Wolsey
57. Hitchcock
58. Mission
59. Rosebud
60. Pine Ridge
61. Moe
62. Artisian
63. Henry
64. Twin Brooks
65. Stickney
66. Alexandria
67. Fulton
68. Bath
69. Britton
70. Hill City
71. Armor
72. Cavour
73. Interior
74. Vale
75. Fedora
76. Howard
77. Frankfort
78. Pringle
79. Phillip
80. Madison
81. Corona
82. Gettysburg
83. Union Center
84. Florence
85. Hazel
86. Dallas
87. Springfield
88. Porcupine
89. Timber LAke
90. Eden
91. Warner
92. Dell Rapids
93. Beresford
94. Emery
95. Columbia
96. Eagle Butte
97. Aurora
98. Marion
99. Milltown
100. Lennox

Thursday, September 04, 2008


seems to be my middle name, this week. Tired of a lot of stuff, most of it not worth mentioning, here.
What seems to revive me the most, are the grand~boyz......looking forward to seeing them both, the weekend of Sept. 13........

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

outta the mouthes, of babes...........

This one is for everyone who...
a) has kids
b) had kids
c) was a kid
d)knows a kid
e) is going to have kids.
I guess that means all of us!!

I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said,'Daddy, look at this' , and stuck out two of her fingers. Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny fingers in my mouth and said, 'Daddy's gonna eat your fingers,' pretending to eat them. I went back to packing, looked up again and my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face. I said, 'What's wrong, honey?' She replied, 'What happened to my booger?' thanks, crash!
An enemy takes up more space in our head,than a friend in our heart.

my appologies

to my friend, near, and far, for my lack of committment to this blog. I will confess, I got caught up, in the world of ''foruming'', and I have learned some valuable lessons................and made some GREAT new friends...the only benefit, as I see it, today.
UPDATES, comming soon...........look for HUMOR!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

more spring......

not much left, of the old house....but one apple tree, tries to keep living!


Are ''words'' necessary?

Monday, April 28, 2008

april blizzard

17'' of snow, on Friday.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

photobucket fun

just had to go ''play''!

note to


we'll grill some of these bad boys, in a couple weeks, when we drink that beer....

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

count down

To my surogate son, in Iraq....
I love you, always know that!
you forgot to tell me what kinda beer to buy...cuz we ain't drinkin busch heavy!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


there's some new posts, over at Gunnar's Momstop by.......
catch up.........

Monday, January 07, 2008


I have a very wonderfdul friend, Dee, who lives in LaJolla Ca.

She manages to make me laugh, at the bestest of times! todays email, from her....

You have been chosen to receive the Blessing of the Snow Fairy! The Snow Fairy will bring you good luck for one year! May you be blessed by his good deeds!.....